- Greenhouse Tips for Spring
- New Product Savings
- New Hire Mark McLane
- Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY
- Greenhouse Magazine Feature
Prepare Your Greenhouses Now for Spring Weather!
Tips to Avoid Spring Headaches and Product Losses
Exhaust Fan Belts: - Readjust belt tension after 8 – 10 hours of operation
- Check for proper belt tension by pushing on belt between blade pulley and motor pulley with index finger. Belt should move about ½ inch with 5 pounds of pressure.
- Keep replacement belts on hand
- Check belts at beginning of cooling season and several times throughout year
- Look for polished sides and cracked, dry, and/or brittle material
- Replace belt if any signs of deterioration or if in use for several seasons
- Clean fan blades and louvers as needed
- Remove foreign material from inside fan housing
Versa-Vent - See installation manual for adjustment of drive motor limits
- Rack and pinions may be adjusted by loosening nuts on vent shoe where rack attaches to vent door
- Shift rack shoe left or right to improve alignment
- Check the alignment with the vent door open
- Clean the entire vent including the cover with soap and water
- Remove accumulated debris in the lower track of vent door
Carolina Cooler™ - If float valve is unable to shut off, cut off water supply, disassemble and rinse float valve, reassemble and install
- If after above (if float valve still will not shut off), order a rebuild kit or new valve
- Rinse out reservoir and fill with clean water at the beginning of the season
- Do not leave in ground tanks empty
- Clean the filter as well and several times throughout the year
- Check the filter if flow seems restricted
- Check the header for clogs
- Rinse out the header at the beginning of the season – remove the plug opposite the pump and then run the pump to flush out foreign material
- Add chlorine bleach or any good algaecide to the reservoir on a regular basis to keep pads clean
- Maintain a pH between 5.5 and 8.5 in the reservoir
- Allow pads to dry completely each night by keeping the thermostat set above the overnight low temperature
- Use the gate valve to adjust the water flow so that the water sprays 12” into the air at the far end of the header from the pump
Save on Shipping: Now Manufacturing Kwic-Klip® in 4ft pieces
Order Kwic-Klip® in 4 ft pieces (box contains 25 pieces of cap or base) online or through Amazon starting in March.
Mark McLane Returns to The Greenhouse Company Sales Team
A University of South Carolina graduate, photographer, and skilled guitar player, Mark offers customers of The Greenhouse Company a wealth of knowledge in helping to design the best greenhouses tailored to their unique needs. He began in the industry in the early 1980’s and has experience in greenhouse manufacturing, shipping, and sales. Mark has worked on hundreds of greenhouse projects over the years. He will be covering the Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, and Kentucky regions and will be reaching out to you soon.
Ark Encounter in Williamstown,KY Chooses The Greenhouse Company
Over the last several years, Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky has purchased seven greenhouses from The Greenhouse Company. Tim Schmidt, the Senior Director of Site Development and Horticulture at Ark Encounter, stated that they currently grow about 20,000 six-inch annuals yearly as well as several thousand tropicals for their own use and for use at their sister attraction, Creation Museum. Schmidt anticipates an increase in these numbers as they continue to expand. In addition to florals and plants for landscaping, they also use greenhouses from The Greenhouse Company to grow fodder and barley hydroponically for their zoo animals.
The photos show some of the greenhouses on site at Ark Encounter as well as some of the landscaping where their plants are used.
Q&A on Growing plants in Freezing Weather from Greenhouse Magazine
Walters Gardens' trial manager discusses precautions the grower has taken, preparing for drastic temperature changes and how to prepare greenhouses for subzero temperatures.
Read more in Greenhouse Management Magazine.