Maintenance Tips to Avoid Headaches and Product Losses

Exhaust Fan Belts:

  • Re-adjust belt tension after 8 – 10 hours of operation.
  • Check for proper belt tension by pushing on belt between blade pulley and motor pulley with index finger. Belt should move about ½ inch with 5 pounds of pressure.
  • Keep replacement belts on hand.
  • Check belts at beginning of cooling season and several times throughout year.
  • Look for polished sides and cracked, dry, and/or brittle material.
  • Replace belt if any signs of deterioration or if in use for several seasons.
  • Clean fan blades and louvers as needed.
  • Remove foreign material from inside fan housing.


  • See installation manual for adjustment of drive motor limits
  • Rack and pinions may be adjusted by loosening nuts on vent shoe where rack attaches to vent door
  • Shift rack shoe left or right to improve alignment
  • Check the alignment with the vent door open
  • Clean the entire vent including the cover with soap and water
  • Remove accumulated debris in the lower track of vent door

Carolina Cooler™:

  • If float valve is unable to shut off, cut off water supply, disassemble and rinse float valve, reassemble and install
  • If after above (if float valve still will not shut off), order a rebuild kit or new valve
  • Rinse out reservoir and fill with clean water at the beginning of the season
  • Do not leave in ground tanks empty
  • Clean the filter as well and several times throughout the year
  • Check the filter if flow seems restricted
  • Check the header for clogs
  • Rinse out the header at the beginning of the season – remove the plug opposite
  • the pump and then run the pump to flush out foreign material
  • Add chlorine bleach or any good algaecide to the reservoir on a regular basis to keep pads clean
  • Maintain a pH between 5.5 and 8.5 in the reservoir
  • Allow pads to dry completely each night by keeping the thermostat set above the overnight low temperature
  • Use the gate valve to adjust the water flow so that the water sprays 12” into the air at the far end of the header from the pump