Our Engineer compiled the following list of suggestions assuming the worst-case scenario of extremely high winds from Hurricane Harvey. The extent of the preparations will depend on your location and will ultimately be a judgement call on your part.
Close roof and any other type of vents. Turn off fans and shutters. To reduce the chance of a fire starting, turn off the main breaker. Cutting plastic is a big judgment call. If the winds are high enough the plastic may come off with no damage to frame, but there is no way to know for sure. If the shade cloth is expensive, you may want to remove it since it is not attached as well as the plastic.
1. Close all venting equipment
2. Turn off power.
3. Turn off water.
4. Remove smaller objects from area that could blow into greenhouse.
5. Secure greenhouse doors.
6. Remove shade cloth or add more ropes to keep it in place.
7. If greenhouse has any exposed glass, cover with wood panels.
8. Tall heater vent pipe stacks should be removed if not properly braced.
9. Be sure brace cables are tight and secure.
10. Hanging basket plants should be placed on floor or removed.
11. Make sure inflation blower damper is wide open for maximum inflation in polyethylene.
12. Any outdoor motors can be covered with plastic because of extra heavy rains.
13. Heaters, HAF fans, electrical boxes can all be covered with plastic in case the cover blows off.
Please contact us if you have any questions or problems 800-258-7171.